Just when I thought that I had seen enough of sad, bad, frustrating or just plain depressing endings (every adjective is different, mind you), there I was again at almost 3 this morning digging for clues in the IMDB website fora. But unlike the rage I had when I watched "Billy's Hollywood Screen Kiss," where the protagonist was unexpectedly dumped for a more attractive man, the ending of "The Love of Siam" somewhat had me torn between taking the movie to my "Hall of All-Time Movie Favorites" or to my "Hall of All-Time Movie Downers."
Quite ironically, the first time I saw the ending of "The Love of Siam" I was extremely happy (this is an understatement) with how the director depicted the scene. I did not even think of it as sad or devastating. In fact, I was surprised - pleasantly - by how the movie was concluded. But you know that all changed (though slightly) when I got brainwashed by the reactions flooded in the fora. More on that later.
For those who haven't seen the movie - and for your enlightenment - here's a summary (I may not be good at doing nutshells. Just read my previous post, which was a very amateurish attempt in doing a summary of "Billy's Hollywood Screen Kiss." It turned into a novel-cum-critique. Haha. But do I have choice here?) :
Mew and Tong (played brilliantly by Witwisit Hiranyawongkul and Mario Maurer, respectively) were childhood friends. They were neighbors. At the outset, Mew didn't like Tong because of the latter's mischievousness. Tong, on the other hand, was more receptive of Mew. One day, Mew got into a fight with some of his schoolmates because of his "sissiness." Quite expectedly, Tong was there to the rescue. Resultingly, he was the one who got mobbed. That was how the friendship of the two was forged. In one scene, Tong gave Mew a gift through a game where the latter had to find scattered pieces of the toy gift (think of Mr. Potato Head, but wooden) through maps the former made. When the two got into the place where the last piece was hidden - a tree - the same was already cut and being taken away. So Mew got his toy, without its last piece: the nose.
Years later, Tong and Mew met again - in Siam Square. Tong was already dating a girl and Mew was a vocalist in a boy band (August Band). The boy band's assistant, June, had a very arresting resemblance with Tang. The similarity was so striking that even Tong's mother hired her to pretend to be Tang in order to salvage Tong's father who was then addicted to alcoholism because of Tang's loss.
As the movie progressed, it could be seen that Mew had more than a friendly thing going on for Tong. Mew even composed several "love" songs specially dedicated to his childhood friend. Tong, on the other hand, seemed "complicated" at first. But in several scenes, Tong revealed that he had the same thing going on for Mew, too. (Just a note: both of them were straight-acting. Mew's girl neighbor even had an obsession for him. Arguably, both of the boys were still confused with their sexual preferences.) But after a party in Tong's house (to celebrate the supposed return of Tang), the two kissed. This was all seen by Tong's mother, who, the next day, confronted Mew, asking him to end the relationship he had with Tong. Being the young, gullible man that he was (both him and Tong were still in high school), he succumbed to the request of the oh-so-typically-conservative mother. Tong soon found out and sought Mew. But for days, the latter gave the former the cold shoulder... until the concert in the square.

Finally, the ending. After the concert, when Mew and his co-band members were leaving, Tong approached Mew. At this stage of the movie, the viewers presumably were anticipating that Tong will affirm his love for Mew and they'd live happily ever after. After all, in a brilliantly depicted scene, with a girl and a boy ornament used as metaphors, Tong asked what his mother would like to be placed in the Christmas tree. First, he placed the girl figure, then the boy. Later, he paired the two. Tong's mother, obviously unaware that her son was trying to tell her something, candidly told him to do whatever. Then Tong managed a reply, which undoubtedly sent shivers to my bones, "What if I choose one and you don't like it? You'll be upset again." Tong's mother, tentatively petrified and conspicuously overcome by the sudden impact of the query, told him, "Choose what you think is best for yourself." Tong chose the boy puppet, while his mother looked on sympathetically as if telling him that though his son's choice wasn't exactly what she would have hoped, she knew that it was what Tong thought was best for him - and that was enough. That was probably one of the best movie scenes I've seen.

Awww. I was already blushing then but I didn't care. Haha. At that time, I didn't know yet the true import of Tong's words. All I knew was that Tong finally had the courage to embrace who he was and to reciprocate expressly Mew's love for him - though not in the best way there was. After all, if one loved another, shouldn't they be together? But who am I to meddle with this? Haha.

After those powerful words, Tong gave Mew a Christmas gift. Later, Tong went back home and confirmed to the audience once and for all that family had to be first in his priorities. In the end, Mew was shown with Tong's Christmas gift, the missing piece of the wooden toy Tong gave him when they were little (remember the game?). It was the nose. After finally putting the piece in its place, he stared at it and began to cry while saying the words, "Thank you." It was one of the most fragile yet brilliantly acted outbursts I'd seen for a while in a movie. Very heartbreaking, especially when Mew had to open his mouth to contain his tears. The movie finally ended with the toy staring blankly at the viewer - haunting, asking, hoping.

When I turned off the screen, I had no doubt that "The Love of Siam" would be one of my favorites, maybe next to "American Beauty," "Brokeback Mountain" or "Shelter."
I was so taken by the movie that I immediately got into the IMDB website just to have a view of what other people thought of it. But disappointingly, many of them didn't like the ending. Some even questioned why the two couldn't end up together. Some had very rational views on the matter, alleging that Asian families are still stuck in the tradition of a heterosexual setting, thus, making hesitant followers out of their children. But most - if not all - of them liked the movie in general. I did, too, but in its entirety. I thought it wasn't concluded as worse as some people put it. In fact, I viewed the ending with a very big possibility for Tong and Mew. Just because Tong decided that he and Mew couldn't be boyfriends didn't mean that they couldn't be together at all. (People, Tong didn't say he'd marry a girl or be straight at once!) I even thought the arrangement Tong offered Mew entailed a bigger space for optimism and love for the two of them. They could still end up together because what they had was sufficient to hold them together.
Even though it was obvious, I still had to get the idea from some of the bloggers that what the director offered was an open-ended ending. Hence, any conclusion that suited the viewer would suffice. In other words, Tong and Mew's love story could either be a tragedy or otherwise, depending on the individual's perspective. Personally, either it was a bad thing or not, the two protagonists were still very young and worldly. But they had shown very strong oppositions against the norms, so be positive. Anyhow, a presumably "happier" ending could have pushed the movie to infinity, but a hint of reality couldn't hurt a little, if at all.
So thankfully, I wasn't brainwashed totally by the comments. (Inevitably, only a sequel can end all the debates over the ending. "The Love of Siam 2" please!)
I also didn't construe Mew's "thank you" in the end of the film as an utter piece of sarcasm. When I first saw that scene (which I've repeated countless of times), I thought what was being acknowledged by Mew wasn't the bitterness engulfing the just transpired conversation he had with Tong - but the affirmation of the love, of the possibility that he wouldn't be lonely anymore because of Tong. They weren't tears of regret, of frustration - but of gratefulness and of hope. As that part was running, I remembered the scene in Mew's room where Tong asked Mew if he was feeling lonely, Mew had a part of his answer which went like this, "Is it possible that we can live our entire life without loving anyone at all? That's my loneliness." I thought with Mew's "thank you" came the answer to his question. And he couldn't be lonely anymore.

Mew's favorite verse couldn't say it better, "As long as you love, you still have hope." Indeed.
So, to answer conclusively the question: was the ending bad? NO. Not at all. In fact, it was excellent.
!! this is the best movie ever that i watched!!
ReplyDeleteI saw the toy as a metaphor for Mew. The "thank you" was for making him whole.
ReplyDeleteI just finished the movie, will be one of my favorite. I am balling my eyes out, crying. I hate the ending. I know you said it may have alot of interpretations too it but i really just wanted to see a happily ever after mostly because they were an asian gay couple and I wanted for the audience to see a "Happy Gay Couple Living in an Asian Country" kinda thing. Sigh...
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely great review! Thank you so much for reminding of certain scenes and connecting the dot so well! I was quite troubled by the ending, trying to understand it, and now I SEE! Thank you so much!
ReplyDeleteI'm waiting for The Love of Siam 2, I hope Tong an Mew will be together ever after...
ReplyDeleteI like the ending but I don't know why I liked it. Now I do! Your interpretation of the film is magnificent!
ReplyDeletethank you! I was really confused by the ending. I mean I was expecting a "happy" ending after all [confessions, kisses etc]; when Tong said he couldn't be together with Mew as his boyfriend I first thought I had read the subtitles wrong. Then I just sat gaping, incredulous over what kind of sense of logic the director of the movie has. But now, having read your (brilliant) review I feel more open-minded and also, kind of content:) Indeed, we are too accustomed to dramatic and simple Hollywood-endings.
ReplyDeleteSo thank u, again) I really loved this movie, in all its aspects, and that's why I'm really happy that I now understand it better and can accept it the way it is ^^
thanks for help me understand the movie! You vere great!:)
ReplyDeleteI have to agree with you. The ending was excellent! Although some will picture it as sad, I see it as a happy ending. Tong may have chose to focus on rebuilding his family over his love for mew, but I see it as an opportunity for him to amend his broken family due to his sister's departure. In my honest opinion, Tong should fix his family issues first and then pursue his love for mew. I'm just happy that in the end Mew was thankful that he no longer feel lonely and that as long a he loves, he will still have hope. :) <3
ReplyDeleteHow would you guys compare 'Love of Siam" and "Beautiful Thing" ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beautiful_Thing_(film) )?
ReplyDeleteOne of my favourite movies is Beautful Thing. Sound track - Mama Cass. Great cast. Great, hopeful tender ending.
DeleteIts nice to see that people are still talking about this movie even though it was first shown 6-7 yrs ago. No movie could ever match this one
ReplyDeletereading this article and comments in 2020 (now). ohhhh those feelings at the end. so much emotions! i am crying again.
DeleteEven if I watch it for several times .. I still love the movie !1 One of the best !! I hope there is part 2 !!
ReplyDeleteI had a lot of frustrations after the conclusion of this rocking freaking movie! I still feel empty upto now waiting for another connecting story for this one. I thought several finalizing events on my own trying to simulate the real ending.... but still I want part 2... How I wish I could beg to the Director/Writer... It has been 3 days now since I've seen this movie the first time and now I'm on my 4th(though jumping some parts),.,, I knew it all along but didn't have any chance to watch,. though. I was deeply scarred and moved. It's not that I really love watching homo relationship... It's just that I felt the nerves of the characters specially Mew and Tong. They deserve each other. Just like what I've seen in Crazy Little Thing Called Love (First Love), or any other movie, but in a different genre and settings. This movie is a bulls-eye for me.
ReplyDeleteI fervently hope so that a sequel will soon be on production. There's something on my chest whenever I get this movie in mind. Reading such review really satisfied my perceptions about the ending and feeling that several of us here felt the same.
Happy to see more of reviews of this love team on the net and still counting more... I just feel sorry for my self that I had not watched this one before. And if I did?, oH well, I may not be feeling this way now and had already moved on I think, eh? ehehe
I just finished watching the movie yesterday.. and my gawd! it was epic. I love the chemistry of the two artist. I just don't like the ending a lil bit. Since i'm also expecting that they will be together. And the last part that they part ways that is the part that made me cry..
ReplyDeleteHope there's a part 2. but I think there will be if the director and producer just know that we are dying to to see a 2nd sequel :)
I've seen the movie a few days ago. A very nice, fine film. After Brockeback Mountain one of my favorites as far as the gay issue. But the end - despite all the possibilities of interpretation - but I was disappointed and saddened me.
ReplyDeleteCertainly. The statement of Tong admits the assumption that there is hope for a future togetherness. But why Tong does not comment too? He loves Mew and would also like to be with him, it probably can be assumed, but in a situation like Mew but I would say that.
Tong do not want to leave his family, they still need him. That would certainly understand Mew. But even he does not clear properly Mew. And I think that's why Mew also cries bitterly. Although he knows that Tong also loves him but as a real consolation it is not him, it can not because he does not know if they really come together eventually.
So I think the end unsatisfactory. As a viewer you will somehow left alone.
So I will absolutely Love of Siam 2 and that with a proper, clear ( too cheesy for my sake ) Happy Ending!
It's not to withstand the current state. ;)
i watched it last month... such a nice story... but the ending, i hate it..
ReplyDeletethis movie signifies not just love of two persons but with their family too...
i knew it was gonna be bittersweet..with the style of filming towards the end and the kind of..something is coming.. kind of thing going on. ARGHGH so sad but can understand and *try* to appreciate the ending. i have to say though, while the actor who played Mew did a phenomenal job expressing the bittersweetness of the whole situation, I felt like the guy who played Tong was a little too 'la di da' while walking away from Mew after the 'final words'. Oh well. Overall a truly awesomeness of a movie.
ReplyDeleteMew and Tong Why can not be together? Tong would have to stay with his family first. Nothing would have stood in the way of a partnership. But they live in the same city. I also think that the end is stupid, sorry. But otherwise a really nice movie.
ReplyDeleteHello, guys! Thanks for all your comments! I made this review years ago when I first watched the movie. I'm doing a repeat tonight (although I'm only viewing the best parts). I really am glad that some of you did appreciate my thoughts on this movie, especially its ending. Yes, it's open-ended; so, anyone can really make his or her conclusion. And, yes, this movie is one of the best in its genre -- hands down. The three-hour running time really didn't feel that long; I even hoped for three more hours! Well, though they may just be fictional characters, I still wish that the two protagonists had the "good" ending we prayed they had.
ReplyDelete"To all the loves that bring us to life."
Hey, ima Persian guy from Tehran;
ReplyDeleteI just finished watching this movie right now. It was a great movie i really loved it; but about the ending...i know that nobody could accept it so i guess i dont have to talk bout this..
when Mew said "thank you"...i just could not stop crying with him :'( and im crying now cuz im really touched... this movie kinda brings me back to months ago; when me and my boyfriend broke up for nothing.....
i wish there was another version i could watch and just smile and the end; but it seems like the world of my feelings is always sad even in the movies... but anyway i can say nothing but i love this movie :')
Of course, everybody would wish that Mew and Tong will end up being together as a couple. But the idea of the film is that even in a different form than we might expect it, love still heal us and it is not less amazing. "to all the loves that brings us to life" not "to all the loves that want for"
ReplyDeleteThere will be no second film. Anyone who really understand the movie's message, would know that.
But the fact that everyone hope for it, only proves how good the film was created and how close the auditory felt to the story: everyone shares the same hope as Mew.
So, let's use this movie's lesson and treasure all the loves from our lives, even they are not just as we hope for, even they pass or aren't shared in the same way by others. To be able to smile succeeding that, like Mew's crying smile, is beautiful and a blessing! ^ ^
very well said there, anonymous..
ReplyDeletei just watched the movie a few days ago, and it really did touch me. indeed it was brilliantly made that it truly made people "feel" the movie. and i have to agree, the scene with the Christmas tree ornaments is real genius. a very fine work of art this movie is. :)
um, well, i am just wanting to know where i can get a copy of the DVD.. i collect DVDs of my fave movies. i am from the Philippines. can anyone help me?
I just watched the movie four days ago...I was just had tears in my eyes wen mew cried at the last...It's awesome to watch the last scenes mew performing the song before the crowd seeing tong...and also wen he sings the song on the party by noting his hand towards tong and singing.
ReplyDeleteI cant control my heart feelings till though i watched four days before...all the scenes r still running in mind...I do watch my favourite scenes daily...Really the movie made us too feel...HATS OFF to Witwisit (Mew) who played amazing into the character as well as Mario (Tong)....
I am also waiting to see Mew being happy...Love of Siam 2.....
I cried whilst reading the entirety of your review having watched the movie numerous times. You just hit everything exactly how the Director wanted to express. People can take a reaction otherwise but yours was the most positive and I'd go for that. This will never get old. I'm just happy that this happened during my lifetime. God bless you in whatever you do.
ReplyDeleteHello Martin,
ReplyDeleteafter watching the film I felt good and bad at the same time but it was one of the most innocent,romantic and heartwarming films I ve ever seen. Your words about the film and especially the ending are very clever. :-) My boyfriend is too lazy to read subtitles so I think he will miss one of the cutest and best films ever produced.
Greetings from Germany
I understood the gist of the movie but missed the special little bits and pieces. If you're still a bit confused about the ending, I recommend you read this: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/299574-the-love-of-siam-film-review22-love-deails-ending-analysis/.
ReplyDeleteMy life is complete again. TT^TT
I JUST finished it omg. My eyes are stinging. I really REALLY wanted Tong and Mew to end up together. But for some odd reason, I found myself shipping Ying x Tong. I don't know, it was just something about how they became friends and their chemistry all together. Even with that being said, I wouldn't except that to actually happen /slapped/ BTW, if you're looking for another Thai tragedy, I suggest you watch "Bangkok Love Story" My friend and I were literally emotional wrecks for about 3 days after watching it.
ReplyDeleteHard to find this kind of love in reality. Very good movie.
ReplyDeleteIt's describe universalities of LOVE.
ReplyDeleteT.T wahhhhhh!! i want a part 2 D: i just wath it.. and im really fuckin cryingg! :( i wish mew and tong had a great endingg:3
ReplyDeleteIs it too late if I give my comment at this time? I love this movie I hate how it ended tho. I know that sometimes life won't be like what you want to, but why must be ended like that? The way Mew cried while saying "Thank you" is depressing for me. But for the whole movie it's awesome.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, if you're looking for another gay-themed-drama movie, The Way He Looks is f*ckin' recommended! It's more depressing than The Love of Siam but at least it ended like I want to be ended
ive been ify about if I should watch this or not so I googled up some reviews and found your site and after seeing shelter, American beauty and brokeback compared to this im for sure adding this to my list.
ReplyDeleteBeen wanting to watch this for a while and finally got to watch it yesterday. This may just be one of my favorite films of all time. Loved every minute of it. It's immensely moving, honest and innocent.
ReplyDeleteAt first I was deeply saddened by the ending and I just couldn't let it go the whole day -- I was basically thinking about Mew and Tong through every one of my classes lol. But really as I think more and more about it, it's a really optimistic ending to a realistic and honest film like this. Just think about it this way: the two both understand their true love for each other. And if years of being apart hasn't at all diminished their feelings for each other, I just don't see how they'll ever be separated again. They'll probably be soul mates for a while, but with everything that's happened and even Tong's mother's approval , do I really think they won't end up together for a while? Not really.
Fictional films like this are amazing. It's indeed as many have said open-ended. (I don't know if you guys have seen My Bromance cos thats what I would really called a sad ending).
Anyway I truly love The Love of Siam. And I don't care what the general consensus is, because in my mind Tong and Mew end up together after things settle down for Tong's family. The mother having realized her son's happiness is probably the most important thing and knowing that his heart will forever belong to Mew, I can't imagine why she won't fully support her son in time.
I think the ending is a promise for both of them. They are still young and have other things to prioritize, and I kinda like the maturity of going slow. I also think there is a deeper understanding between the two of them--those lines from Tong say so: Can't be your boyfriend, but it doesn't mean I don't love you. Perhaps that's really the answer to Mew's loneliness.
ReplyDeleteThe plot is actually moving slowly, so it takes nearly 3 hours to finish the whole story line. But then it still is the best movie I've ever seen. If it can be compacted into 2 hours only and the story line is moving fast with only important scene included, then it would be better for me. Highly recommended for you guys outside there, from 17 Malaysian Boy :D
ReplyDeleteThe movie was great...excellent!
ReplyDeleteIt's kind of a shame people didn't like the ending of the movie just because the two central characters don't end up together, but I think they miss the point of the movie. I just revisited the movie for the first time in a few years, and I still appreciate how it is rather cathartic in its exploration of loss and love.
ReplyDeleteThe whole point of the ending is that there are no clear resolutions for the problems presented in the film (problems to which there are no easy solutions- coming out as gay in a conservative society, alcoholism, grieving a lost child, depression and loneliness). But all the characters are probably in a better position than they were at the start of the movie.
Because at the start, they were all rather miserable despite their seemingly comfortable lives. Two of the most important people in Mew's childhood- his best friend and grandmother- pretty much leave him at the same time. In the interim, he became isolated from love in his life- he's got a neighbor who has the hots for him but he has no idea, he has an aunt who seems to play no significant role in his life, and he's surrounded by friends he does not confide in about his insecurities. Even when surrounded by people who clearly love him, he's still alone.
On Tong's side of things, his family can't get past the loss of their daughter. His father, Korn, blames himself for the role he played in allowing his daughter to go on the vacation where she disappears, and gets drunk to forget it. His mother, Sunee's solution is to become authoritarian out of some belief that she alone must guide the family; she's clearly getting tired of it. Tong has an unfulfilling relationship with his girlfriend, but doesn't want to acknowledge why (even though he knows it and everybody around him seems to know it).
I got the distinct impression none of these characters have felt any true joy since the prologue ended.
At the end, this has pretty much all turned around. Mew has the courage to love without fearing loss, because there is someone out there who has put into words that he loves him. His friends have affirmed that he can trust them, despite his fear he could not. Tong comes out to himself and his mother about being gay, after struggling with it. It's never specified what it's meant by June writing that she told Korn "everything", but I always felt that he is finally aware of the struggle he has put his family through. By letting Tong be his own man and make his own choices about his future, Sunee lets go of her need to control out of fear, and that family is a responsibility they all share.
I think June put the answer to their problems the best- that while they all suffer and grieve because of love, and they make mistakes out of love, love itself is not a mistake. Tong and Mew are where these groups of characters intersect. They meet again, just long enough to point each other in the right direction after wandering around lost for years. What happens after that? Who knows? The characters probably struggle some more. But love has changed them all for the better, which is my takeaway from "Love of Siam".
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ReplyDeleteThe point of the movie attempts to make us realize that love is an evolved form of Emotional attachment that transcends sexual attraction of the physical form. You'll see in the movie how the comforts taken advantage the emotional bond. Thus the Movie isn't only about gay relationship. It's about How you Handle Separation and cope up with loneliness. This movie teaches us how to accept things we know that couldn't stay, things that can't possible happen and accept things that has long been gone. it all leads to making us realize that we all should move-on from these situation, do not dwell on the past and move forward.
ReplyDeletethat is the reason why the movie didn't only focus on Mew and Tong. Let's start with Mew's character.
Mew - who happened to realize he's gay and stirs up old feelings with Tong when he met him again which was not approved by Tong's mother. And Mew was able to cope up in this separation with Tong eventually and Mew's friends made amends with him, asked him to join again the band and learned how to accept the fact that he's gay.
Tong - on the other hand, has been devastated from the lost of his sister and was comforted by Mew. The feeling outgrew when Mew became the channel for Tong to meet June, the asst mngr who coincidentally looks identical to Tong's missing sister. Tong has been the inspiration of Mew's songs. And since he developed Love to Mew, he needed to end his relationship with Donut, his girlfriend. Tong and Mew remained to just be friends and accepted the fact they couldn't stay together.
Ying - She had a crush on Mew but her love is unrequited. She played a really good role in representing all of us who once in our lives shown one sided love to someone (admit it). Back when she didn't know Mew is gay, she did everything to get Mew's attention, from flowers, music, etc etc. After all, like Ying, we have to accept the fact some things can't happen the way we want it to be. It's one sided. we have to understand the other's side and feelings as well. (her part was my favorite, I can relate to her)
Sunee and Korn - Tong's parent who lost their daughter. Sunee, the most depressed character in the story, who for a long time cared her alcoholic husband, Korn. She's the one who carried so much problem but did everything to make the family whole. Eventually realized that some people can stay in our hearts but not in our lives. (Good thing, June came to made them realize that).
June - Without her they wouldn't realize they should move on, let me quote her letter "Even though, sometimes, it seems to be too much that we end up hurting each other. But I believe as time goes by, we should agree that there is no such thing as 'too much love. Even if we made mistakes along the way, it's better than never having tried to love and be loved. Wouldn't you agree? Life always gives us opportunities to start over after we learn from our mistakes. I hope you take these opportunities and take good care of one another." . This tearful message from June didn't only moved Tong's parents but as well answers Mew's question to Tong.
"If we can love someone so much how will we be able to handle it the day we are separated? And, if being separated is part of life, and you know about separation well. Is it possible that we can love someone and never be afraid of losing them? At the same time, Is it possible that, we can live our entire life without loving anyone at all?"
This movie taught me a lot of lesson. From then on, whenever I try my best accept a losses. I watch this movie. So This does not have a bad ending.
The movie was really amazing except for the ending i still can't accept that both mew and tong didn't end up together that kiss should've been a perfect ending i do really hope there will part 2 in order for my heart and mind to be at peace huhu
ReplyDeleteMew and Tong are already in college now and their love story will continue.
Very good movie. Would be great to have a sequel soon (nearly 15 years later )and understand the young adults they became. They were so young. As a canadian 40 years old gay man, it’s difficult to understand not to be with the person you love. Seeing that movie makes me feel so bless to be able to love who I want.
ReplyDeleteYes. Tong's statement " I cant be your boyfriend" implies that they did not end together but the succeeding phrase "But that doesn't mean I dont love you" gave us hope. That made the movie end with a positive open ending meaning, still they can be, and have a great chance to end up together. As per my analysis, the reason why Tong said they cant be together is because he is not ready yet. Take note "he is not fucking ready yet!"He had gone through a lot and now that his family is slowly healing, taking each process step by step is the only option and to focus on his family first was his choice. Let's just all imagine that one day, when everything is alright, when both of them is ready, they will meet again. And I am 100% sure they will really meet again and live happily ever after. So done with people thinking that the only way for a movie to be happy ending is for the movie itself to clearly reiterate to the audience that it has obviously happy ending
It's Aug 31, 2020, and watched this movie, just finished it minutes ago and looking for people's views. This movie was great, and was glad that i have watched it after all these years. I imagine that someday when Tong's family would be ok, he will still end up with Mew, as both have very positive vibes between them. As Tong's mother was more open, things will still go easy on them. This has made me a good follow-up after i finished 2gether series. Thai movies are very great. Thank you
ReplyDeleteWhen I first watched this movie was 2012 and I can't move on I was so depressed for almost 2 years, I watched it over and over again and it makes me cry every time I am watching it. I repeat it it again and again until now and searching a lot of reviews and reaction just to understand the ending because I feel something that I can't explain. But I made my own ending... It's like this, when mew put the last piece of the puppet he said thank you for tong for making his life completely and he cried as tears of joy. When Tong helped his mother to decorate the Christmas tree, he asked his mother what if he chose something and she doesn't like it again would she be angry? And Tong's mother replied that choose what you think is best for yourself, between the two toys a girl and a boy toys he picked the boy one and put it on the Christmas tree so I considered it as he chose mew as best for himself instead of a girl. Tong broke up with Donut and told her not to see her anymore and Mew told to Ying that she is just his good friend forever so it means Mew and Tong is destined to be with each other at the end. Remember they are still young and there has a lot of things that they have to fix in their lives like for example Tong has to fix his family first and besides they are living near to each other so that they can meet and see each other any time even if they can't their hearts are still connected to each other because they love one another so much. Like what mentioned in the movie that as long as there is love, there is still hope.
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ReplyDeleteBecause gay movies almost never had good endings, many years ago I made up a rule: No gay movie watching without looking at it's ending beforehand. As a result, almost all gay movies went down the drain.
ReplyDeleteIt's a pattern that comes from the suppressive religions: Gays may love, but they may not touch. So, yes, in this case I forgot implementing my rule, and consequently got the full blast of frustration. This is a fucked-up crap movie, made by heterosexuals.
I've watch it today, and I really had a rollercoaster right there. It's so funny that I'm actually born the same year when this movie appeared and it didn't stop me from saying that I'm grateful to have watched this once in my life (I'm sure I'm gonna rewatched it someday tho). And obviously I'm perfectly agree your prespective of this movie, not a sad ending. In my opinion it's just a start of Tong and Mew's chapter of life after their previous problems, they've changed and solved them. Honestly not only both of them, but every character had a development.
ReplyDeleteHonestly at some point, I wondered what happened if the mom didn't talk to Mew at that time.. will they be together? or if they did, will their relationship last? or they will realize that being a couple is not it? It's just we can see a vision there, and I really agree that it is an open ending movie.
The iconic quotes scene when Tong and Mew sleep together really hits hard for me, it's makes me aware of life, it made me question myself. Why do goodbyes existed? What is the true purpose of life? Why death even born? and.. why even we're born if we're gonna forget all of our life experience at the end?
But at the end this movie really are amazing. I've watched Mario's other movie (A little things called love) and he really is a perfection, such a great acting. Same for Witwisit, the way he express himself really left a huge impact for the movie. The other cast also left a very lasting impression and making this mivie so much better that it is considered iconic. Thank you from the future ❤️